Welcome to Sentinels Information Protection ambassador program

Welcome to Sentinels Information Protection ambassador program

Welcome to Sentinels Information Protection ambassador programWelcome to Sentinels Information Protection ambassador programWelcome to Sentinels Information Protection ambassador program

Your people are your greatest Information Protection asset and critical to keeping your organisations information safe 

More about Sentinels


About Sentinels

The Sentinels Difference

The Sentinels Difference

With over 95% of data breaches in organisations attributed to an aspect of human error, your people can either be part of the problem or part of the solution. 


The Sentinels Difference

The Sentinels Difference

The Sentinels Difference

 Sentinels is a program focused on people rather than Information Security technologies. It’s embedded into the way that your organisation does business and aligned to your strategy, goals and culture making it easy for staff to “connect the dots”.


Get in Touch

The Sentinels Difference

Get in Touch

We can work alongside you to design a Sentinels Program that is “fit for purpose” in the context of your organisation. We can help you develop your strategy and approach to build your Sentinels community from the ground up, then sustain and maintain it.